Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
QHHT as taught by Dolores Cannon
Julie Parker
Serving Edmonton Alberta and Area
An updated version of this website (2024) and new available services are here at: JulieParkerQHHT.com
I have been a devoted practitioner to QHHT since 2016 - and in that time I have witnessed every kind of journey , often finding myself in awe of just how profound the soul's journey truly is.
People come for a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session for many reasons. Some people come out of sheer curiosity to explore where and when they have lived before.
Most have questions about their life purpose or perhaps they have family, work, or health issues.
Maybe they are at a crossroads with a relationship or a career.
Clients want to better understand why their life has been the way it has, and most importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible.
Clients come with conditions and diseases, pain, discomfort, depression or addictions.
They come with an inner restlessness, an urge to make their life better. What is the purpose of this event? This relationship? This life?
Many times they may feel an deep knowing that they are meant to be doing “something” different with their life but need clarity on what that "something" is.
And sometimes they come with questions about our Universe, God or Source and their connection to it.
Whatever your motivation, Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a rewarding and informative journey into the self.
A typical QHHT session will include a pre-induction conversation, a few fun warm-ups so you can see how you "tune in", followed by a visualization in which YOU will meet your Spirit Guide. This is followed by a journey into Past Life Regression and the conversation with your Higher Self. It is at that time we will get the answer to your questions and the self empowerment that you seek.
Later, after the hypnosis session, we will have a brief post-session conversation.
You will also receive a digital recording of your session on the same day of your session, usually by 9 PM or so. A typical session will average 5 hours.
I provide a relaxed and comfortable environment in an lovely office in the 94th Avenue and 49th Street Capilano area of Edmonton.
I look forward to hearing from you!
"We are living in the most important time in the history of our universe." - Dolores Cannon
Julie Parker
I am a 8+ year practitioner of Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and Past Life Regression. I am a certified RTT practitioner (Rapid Transformational Therapy) and am currently in studies for advanced clinical hypnotherapy with Meristem Academy.
I run a heart-based session from a lovely office in the Capilano area of Edmonton Alberta. You are greeted with warmth and compassion and my personal desire is to see you empowered with yourself.
"Everything that you seek - you already are!"
My love of QHHT was immediate...
After a profound multi-dimensional experience involving the afterlife in 2015, I immediately found Dolores Cannon and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis, otherwise known as QHHT - And I have never looked back!
The insight and understanding that can be attained in a session, the clarity and understanding of your experiences, unanswered questions, your physical, mental and emotional being - and why - are nothing less than amazing!
Healing comes in many different forms, and will be exactly what is appropriate for you at this time as guided by your Highest Self!
Intend, Believe, Receive, Achieve!
I look forward to sharing this gentle method with you!
As the poet Rumi said:
"You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop"
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session
A full QHHT session typically averages 4-5 hours. This includes the pre-induction conversation, warm-up visualizations, Meet your Spirit Guide, several past lives and the conversation with the Highest Self. Followed by a brief conversation after your hypnosis. You will receive a full digital audio recording of your session upon completion.
Group Regression
A chance for you to experience past life regression through the easy process of visualization. In this session you and friends will experience some warm-up visualizations so you can experience how you "tune in". You will visit a past life, meet your spirit guide or guardian angel and visit a future life with a discussion following of the results. Minimum 2-4 people. Larger groups can be accommodated at a pre-arranged location. Runs approx. 2 Hours.
$125 per person
Please visit the new site at JulieParkerQHHT.com for more services!
My Address
Opening Hours
By appointment only. Sorry, no walk-in appointments. Sessions run Monday to Saturdays between 9 AM -4 PM. Please email or leave a message and I will respond at my first opportunity.